
Benjamin Franklin's Daily Routine: A Blueprint for Productivity and Success

Discover Benjamin Franklin's daily routine and learn how his disciplined approach to productivity can inspire you to achieve more. Explore his habits, from rising early to setting goals, taking breaks, and maintaining work-life balance.

Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Routine

When it comes to productivity, there is no one quite like Benjamin Franklin. The Founding Father, inventor, and author was a master of getting things done. He had a daily routine that was packed with activities that allowed him to make the most of every hour of the day. In this post, we’ll take a look at Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine and how it can inspire you to be more productive.

Early to Rise

One of the most well-known aspects of Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine is that he was an early riser. He famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” He would wake up at 5:00 a.m. every morning, no matter what time he went to bed the night before. This allowed him to get a head start on the day and accomplish more before others had even woken up.

The Morning Question

After waking up, Benjamin Franklin would ask himself a question: “What good shall I do this day?” This question helped him focus on his priorities and set the tone for the day. It encouraged him to think about how he could make a difference and be of service to others. It’s a great question to ask yourself, whether you’re a student, an entrepreneur, or anyone else who wants to make the most of their time.

Breakfast and Exercise

Benjamin Franklin believed in the importance of a healthy breakfast and exercise. After getting dressed, he would eat a hearty breakfast that included bread, milk, and fruit. Then, he would take a brisk walk around the city. He believed that exercise was essential for both physical and mental health. It’s a great reminder that taking care of your body is an important part of being productive.

Work Time

After his morning routine, Benjamin Franklin would start work at 8:00 a.m. He had a strict schedule that allowed him to be efficient with his time. He would work on his various projects, which included writing, printing, and scientific experiments. He would work until noon, taking short breaks as needed. He believed in the power of focused work, and his routine allowed him to get a lot done in a short amount of time.

Lunch and Reading

At noon, Benjamin Franklin would break for lunch. He would eat a simple meal and then spend some time reading. He believed in the power of learning and self-improvement, and he would use his lunch break to read books and expand his knowledge. It’s a great reminder that taking breaks and focusing on personal growth is an essential part of being productive.

Afternoon Work

After lunch, Benjamin Franklin would return to work. He would continue his various projects until 5:00 p.m. This schedule allowed him to get a full day’s work done without overworking himself. He believed in the importance of work-life balance and would take breaks as needed to avoid burnout.

Evening Routine

After finishing work for the day, Benjamin Franklin would have dinner and spend time with friends and family. He believed in the importance of socializing and maintaining relationships. He would also use this time to reflect on his day and plan for the next day. He would ask himself the question, “What good have I done today?” This allowed him to stay focused on his goals and values.

Bedtime Routine

Benjamin Franklin believed in the importance of getting enough sleep. He would go to bed at 10:00 p.m. every night, no matter what. He believed that getting enough sleep was essential for good health and productivity. He would also take some time to wind down before bed, reading or meditating. This allowed him to have a restful night’s sleep and wake up ready for the next day.

Final Thoughts

Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine is a great than just a series of activities that he did every day. It was a way of life that allowed him to be productive, focused, and successful. By following his routine, you can learn some valuable lessons about productivity and how to get the most out of your day.

One of the key takeaways from Benjamin Franklin’s routine is the importance of setting goals and priorities. By asking himself the question, “What good shall I do this day?” he was able to focus on what was important and make a difference. This is a great approach to take, whether you’re a student trying to achieve academic success, an entrepreneur trying to grow a business, or anyone else trying to accomplish their goals.

Another important lesson from Benjamin Franklin’s routine is the importance of taking care of your physical and mental health. By waking up early, eating a healthy breakfast, and getting exercise, he was able to maintain his energy and focus throughout the day. Taking breaks and focusing on personal growth is also an essential part of being productive.

Finally, Benjamin Franklin’s routine shows the importance of work-life balance. He worked hard during the day but also took time to socialize and maintain relationships. By doing this, he was able to avoid burnout and stay focused on his goals. This is a great reminder that productivity is not just about getting things done, but also about living a balanced and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine is a great example of how to be productive and successful. By setting goals, taking care of your physical and mental health, and maintaining a work-life balance, you can achieve your goals and make a difference in the world. So, take some inspiration from Benjamin Franklin and start creating your own daily routine today.


Q: How many hours a day did Benjamin Franklin work? 

A: Benjamin Franklin was known for his industriousness and dedication to his work. He typically worked long hours, often putting in 12 to 14 hours a day.

Q: What did Ben Franklin do every morning? 

A: Benjamin Franklin had a morning routine that included waking up early, practicing personal hygiene, and asking himself, “What good shall I do today?” He believed in starting the day with intention and purpose.

Q: What are the good habits of Benjamin Franklin? 

A: Benjamin Franklin was known for his commitment to self-improvement and had several good habits. Some of these habits included setting goals, practicing frugality, maintaining a daily schedule, reading and learning, and fostering a spirit of curiosity.

Q: What did Benjamin Franklin do during lunch? 

A: Benjamin Franklin often used his lunchtime for self-improvement. He would read or engage in intellectual discussions with friends, making the most of his time for personal growth.

Q: How much sleep did Ben Franklin get? 

A: Benjamin Franklin was an advocate of healthy sleep patterns and believed in the importance of rest. He typically aimed for seven hours of sleep each night.

Q: What is the best daily routine? 

A: The best daily routine can vary for each individual, as it depends on personal preferences and goals. However, adopting habits like setting goals, prioritizing tasks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating learning or reading time, and finding time for relaxation can contribute to a productive and fulfilling daily routine.

Q: What did Benjamin Franklin say about sleep? 

A: Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” He believed in the value of a consistent sleep schedule and understood the benefits it brings.

Q: Did Ben Franklin say an apple a day? 

A: No, the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but he did not actually say it. The saying can be traced back to a Welsh proverb.

Q: What are 5 things Benjamin Franklin is famous for? 

A: Benjamin Franklin is famous for several accomplishments, including his experiments with electricity and the invention of the lightning rod, his role in drafting the U.S. Constitution, his contributions to the field of printing and journalism, his establishment of the first public lending library, and his scientific discoveries and inventions.

Q: What did Benjamin Franklin eat? 

A: Benjamin Franklin followed a simple and healthy diet. He believed in consuming wholesome foods and avoiding excessive indulgence. Some of the foods he enjoyed included vegetables, fruits, grains, and lean meats.

Q: What are 3 important things Benjamin Franklin did? 

A: Three important things Benjamin Franklin did include playing a crucial role in the American Revolution and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution, conducting groundbreaking experiments with electricity and inventing the lightning rod, and establishing institutions that fostered education and intellectual growth, such as the first public lending library.

Q: How to live like Benjamin Franklin? 

A: To live like Benjamin Franklin, one can adopt habits such as setting goals, maintaining a daily routine, practicing frugality, seeking self-improvement through learning and reading, fostering curiosity, and actively engaging in community service.

Q: What are 5 things Benjamin Franklin invented? 

A: Benjamin Franklin invented or improved upon various devices and technologies. Five notable inventions associated with him include the lightning rod, bifocals (glasses with two lenses), the Franklin stove (a more efficient fireplace), the glass armonica (a musical instrument), and the odometer (a device for measuring distances traveled).

Q: What did Benjamin Franklin do for fun? 

A: Benjamin Franklin had diverse interests and enjoyed various activities for fun. He enjoyed reading, conducting scientific experiments, engaging in intellectual discussions with friends, playing chess, swimming, and flying kites. He also had a passion for writing and often found joy in expressing his thoughts through his numerous writings and publications.

Q: What was Benjamin Franklin’s weakness? 

A: One of Benjamin Franklin’s weaknesses was his struggle with self-discipline, particularly when it came to controlling his desire for indulgence and personal pleasures. He often found it challenging to stick to his own principles of moderation and occasionally gave in to his cravings for food, drink, and other pleasures.

Q: What was Benjamin Franklin’s fear? 

A: Benjamin Franklin’s primary fear was not being able to leave a lasting impact and failing to achieve greatness. He had a strong desire to make significant contributions to society and feared being forgotten or remembered unfavorably.

Q: What were Benjamin Franklin’s mistakes? 

A: Benjamin Franklin, like any human being, made his share of mistakes throughout his life. Some notable mistakes include his initial belief that loyal negotiation with Britain could prevent the American Revolution, his skepticism towards the potential of manned flight, and his complicated personal relationships, including his estrangement from his son William due to their opposing political views.

Q: What made Benjamin Franklin so successful? 

A: Benjamin Franklin’s success can be attributed to various factors. His unwavering work ethic, commitment to continuous learning, innovative mindset, strong interpersonal skills, ability to build networks and form alliances, and his talent for effective communication and persuasion played pivotal roles in his achievements. He was also known for his adaptability and willingness to embrace change.

Q: Why did Ben Franklin become a vegetarian? 

A: Benjamin Franklin experimented with vegetarianism during his lifetime as part of his pursuit of moral and physical improvement. He believed that consuming meat led to unnecessary violence towards animals and opted for a vegetarian diet for a period of time to promote compassion and healthier living.

Q: What is 1 important fact about Benjamin Franklin? 

A: One important fact about Benjamin Franklin is that he was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and played a significant role in shaping the nation’s early development. His contributions ranged from diplomacy and politics to science, inventions, and literature, making him a multifaceted figure in American history.

Q: What famous quote did Benjamin Franklin say? 

A: Benjamin Franklin is well-known for his wise and memorable quotes. One of his famous quotes is, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” This quote emphasizes the importance of active learning and engagement in the process of acquiring knowledge.

Q: What was Ben Franklin’s IQ? 

A: It is impossible to accurately determine Benjamin Franklin’s IQ as the concept of IQ (intelligence quotient) did not exist during his time. Additionally, IQ tests were developed much later, and applying them retroactively would not provide an accurate measure of his intellectual abilities.

Q: Why is Franklin a genius? 

A: Benjamin Franklin is considered a genius due to his remarkable intellectual capacity, versatile talents, and the extraordinary impact he had on various fields. He displayed exceptional creativity, critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom. His contributions to science, politics, literature, and inventions further solidify his status as a genius.

Q: Is Ben Franklin a genius? 

A: Yes, Benjamin Franklin is widely regarded as a genius. His accomplishments, innovations, and contributions across multiple disciplines, combined with his profound intellect and ingenuity, have earned him the reputation as one of history’s great geniuses.

Q: When did Ben Franklin go to sleep? 

A: Benjamin Franklin followed a disciplined sleep schedule and practiced going to bed early. He famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” He usually went to bed around 10:00 PM, emphasizing the importance of a consistent sleep routine and sufficient rest.

Q: Did Benjamin Franklin read a lot? 

A: Yes, Benjamin Franklin was an avid reader throughout his life. He believed in the power of knowledge and self-improvement through reading. He dedicated significant time to reading a wide range of topics, including philosophy, science, history, and literature. His passion for reading greatly influenced his intellectual growth and contributed to his success in various fields.