
The Complete Guide to Freelancer Community Resources

As a freelancer, it can be isolating to work alone. But joining a freelancer community can give you direct contacts, information sharing, and new horizons. Learn how to locate a community group for freelancers on Facebook, Slack, Meetup, organizations of professionals, and Fiverr Community in this complete guide.

The Complete Guide to Resources for Freelancers

One of the benefits of being a freelancer is having the freedom to work from anywhere you want. However, it can be a little isolating to work from home, in coffee shops, or even in co-working spaces. Without a vibrant freelancer community to interact with, you can start to miss the companionship of teamwork very quickly. Your firm may stagnate if you don’t get the chance to discuss ideas with others who are facing comparable possibilities and obstacles. The good news is that you can easily join a variety of freelancing community groups from the comfort of your home.

Why Is Community Such a Big Deal?

Every human yearns for a sense of community.There will be times when it’s nice to know you’re not alone, even if you normally like working alone. You may feel at ease knowing you have a tribe of individuals that truly get you by being a part of a freelancer community. Your freelancing job can soar to new heights with a little assistance from your fellow independent contractors.

The Best Advantages of Participating in a Freelancer Community

One of the most difficult job paths is freelancing, which is also brimming with incredible prospects. By becoming a member of a freelancing community, you may communicate with others who share your experiences and gain insight from those who have already overcome some of the obstacles you are now facing.There are further advantages. Here are some of the most significant.

Establish Direct Contacts

Even though many freelancers like some solitude, too much of it can make you miserable. You may begin to feel lonely and bored when you are alone and focused on your work for the majority of the day. Your productivity may suffer as a result, and your creativity may be constrained.

Once you feel a part of your group, it’s simple to take a little break and engage in some light socialising. This is great for your mental health and might give you more energy all day long.

Share Information

You can learn about freelancing in general and hone specific abilities via books, blogs, and YouTube.

The people you’ll encounter in your town, though, are occasionally the best sources of information. You can learn a lot by regularly conversing with other freelancers who share your perspective.

Talking to someone who can suggest a fantastic tool, programme, or course that will help your business grow is sometimes possible. If you’re fortunate, you might even come across a mentor who is eager to impart their wisdom and foster your development.

Obtain New Horizons

While there are probably other freelancers nearby, you can meet people from all around the world by participating in online community groups for freelancers.

You are more likely to discover new information, establish new relationships, and take advantage of new possibilities the larger your network.

It’s usual for freelancers to recommend people they’ve met in their communities for jobs that aren’t a good fit for them on the job boards that are available in many freelancer groups. This may be a great approach to attract new customers and expand your clientele.

How to Locate a Community Group for Freelancers

Given how crucial a strong freelancer community may be to your company, the next logical concern is where to look for one. The good news is that it’s simpler than you may have imagined. Choose one or more of these well-liked options to launch your search.

Groups on Facebook

Everything appears to have its own Facebook community, and freelancing is no exception. Finding a community that is highly specialised to your objectives is easy with this method. For instance, you might want to join a community like The Write Life if you’re a freelance writer. In Digital Nomads Around the World or any similar Facebook community, freelancers who intend to travel the world while working might make some incredible contacts.

Utilize Facebook’s search function to identify the group that’s ideal for you. You might try to start your search by just typing in “Freelancer Group,” then focus it from there.


Slack is a fantastic tool for communicating at work, but it also has other uses. Additionally, it’s a great place to locate relevant online freelancer forums where you may communicate with other independent contractors in real-time. You may take advantage of digital networking, virtual co-working, and more after entering your Slack channel.

While there are several Slack channels dedicated to independent contractors, some of the most well-liked ones are Online Geniuses, Remotely One, and Creative Tribes.


Meetup is recognised for being a place to find in-person events and get-togethers, but its website also lists a tonne of online networking and educational activities.A quick search for “freelancers” will produce a list of events, from online game evenings to e-learning possibilities, that are tailored to creative freelancers.

Organizations of professionals

Depending on the kind of freelancing you perform, associations like the Graphic Artists Guild or the American Society of Journalists and Authors may help you make some incredible connections. These organisations frequently host conferences, meetups, and online events that might aid in network growth. Joining your local chapter will frequently also provide you the opportunity to meet people in person at events.What Are the Best Communities for Independent Contractors?

Don’t want to waste a lot of time looking through your selections and looking for groups? We’ve already put in the effort for you! Check out our list of six top freelancer-focused internet communities.

Fiverr Community

One of the finest sites to find privileged information, business news, and information about forthcoming events is the Fiverr Community. You can advance your freelancing business by taking use of a variety of free online classes and workshops, as well as specialised articles and success stories.

The Fiverr Forum is the ideal venue for starting conversations with other independent contractors. You can create your own subject or dive right into one that interests you.Additionally, there are specific forums for subjects like video and animation, graphics and design, and music and audio.

The “team for people without a team,” Leapers Leapers is an online group that supports the mental wellness of independent contractors and other self-employed people. They offer free manuals, research papers, and other resources for freelancers in addition to having a vibrant community. Additionally, you can communicate with more than 3,000 members from all over the world by joining their Slack channel.


For freelancers, the subreddit r/Freelance serves as a forum. You may do everything here, from asking for job guidance to sharing your personal experiences and telling your story.Keep in mind that this is not the place to hunt for employment as the page prohibits marketing, solicitation, or promotions. But one of its best qualities is that! Connecting with other freelancers and feeling at home without the strain of attempting to do business surely has something to offer.

Digital Nomads (Discord)

Discord, which was once developed as a chat room for gamers, now lets users sign up for communities that have nothing to do with gaming. Digital Nomads is one of the greatest for independent contractors. This is a very informal forum where you can communicate with other independent contractors, exchange business advice, inspire one another, and have a little fun.Since there are more than 2,800 members from different countries, there is typically action going on at all hours of the day or night. In addition to being a pleasant way to meet people, you could also be able to discover a few clients or other great freelancers to work with.

Freelancer’s Union

The Freelancer’s Union is one of the leading associations for independent workers, representing over 56 million of them in the US. All varieties of freelancers are welcome and it is free to join.

This organization’s goal is to give independent contractors a sense of community and safety. Additionally, they provide health insurance and other crucial services while standing out for the rights of freelancers.You can also think about going to one of their live SPARK events, which are regularly held at 25 different sites throughout the United States, depending on where you live.

Find Your Tribe!

Finding your tribe must be a priority no matter which course of action you follow. Even though working for yourself is incredibly independent, keep in mind that no one is an island. You and your firm will prosper if you have a secure environment where you can connect with other independent contractors. It’s time to venture out and begin developing your freelance community and career!